Quoteagious: Help Kickstart Quoteagious: It takes a village to raise a child

What is the Quoteagious KICKSTARTER campaign? 

The Quoteagious Kickstarter Campaign is a world-wide Internet initiative via the website with a goal to raise necessary operating capital through crowdfunding (community-pledging) to kickstart our company and bring all the great concepts and drafted content we present on this site to life.

In the case of Quoteagious, what is required to put our project into operations includes:

  • producing truly creative, interesting, meaningful content that connects with people and enriches their lives
  • building an ecommerce website to merchandize our content and to support our digital and print product sales, which will sustain
    this great work and fuel future growth
  • building out the social community site designed to complement our Ambassador Program which also supports our interactive
    and creative guerrilla marketing initiatives

Learn more About Kickstarter
Learn more about
Our Products and Our Ambassador Program


When you donate toward our goal, your support combined together with the sponsorship of others is what will help Kickstart Quoteagious from great idea to extraordinary reality.

By contributing to our cause, you are helping us create a company which impacts and empowers others by EMPOWERING US to generate and pass these very important messages forward into the world.  By supporting our success, your donation will directly champion us to pass it forward and champion the Greatness in others!

We invite you to join us in our inspiring pilgrimage with whatever contribution you can offer.  And we thank you for that contribution and for cooperating with us in our efforts and in our commitment to contribute to the countless others who will be significantly moved, touched, and inspired by the direct results of our combined efforts.

Make the World of Difference today…
Visit our cooperative and Help KICKSTART QUOTEAGIOUS now

WHAT’S THE MINIMUM required to contribute to Help KICKSTART QUOTEAGIOUS?

At Quoteagious, every dollar donated in support of establishing our company counts.
That’s why we’ve created our EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS Program — a creative gratitude and incentive program which complements our financing drive.

At Quoteagious, we acknowledge everyone’s participation.  Even dollar donations garner a download gift of the first volume of our You Too Can Be Great Theme in return — Founder Michelle Melanson’s favorite anthology designed to celebrate and support the Greatness in each of us …a perfect choice to complement this essential drive.

However, the greater your support, the greater your reward.  From download packs to your own personal “About Our Sponsor” page on our site, Quoteagious offers opportunities to Make a Difference from $1 to $50,000.  Whether you want to be recognized for your contributions or you want to honor friends or loved ones by including a tribute to them on our site and in our special edition hardcover photo books… whether you want to sponsor content that Gives Back a percentage of proceeds to a charitable organization or you want to help us spread Happiness throughout the World …Quoteagious offers a myriad of unique rewards that acknowledge your support with our gratitude.

Your contribution matters –-– to our success AND to us. 

Find an opportunity to Help KICKSTART QUOTEAGIOUS that fits your budget  :)

Whether you donate today or not, we invite you to…

And always we welcome you to make a contribution and help us contribute to countless others  :)

Help us Spread the Word FASTER

‘Friend’ and ‘Like Us’ on your Facebook page.

Let’s Kickstart this company!!


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