Starting This Start-Up

Quoteagious: Starting This Start-Up: Creating Something Out of Nothing: Page 3: Quoteagious Sign

Soon after…
the start to a categorical product line developed (Series) while additional merchandise options within the technology category were innovated (downloads).

In the meantime, the first qPics were engineered, and eventually tangible product options (GETiT.ON) and means to provide them were also amended to the plan.  And while teams and tweaks were adjusted, our unique programs (Walking the Walk…) materialized.

And then eventually…
after years of concepts, drafts and designs, input and  extract from friends and multiple outside designers, the final innovation came from Gwen, a valued team member who peered into my head and pulled it all together – our playful, quirky, fun, and clever personae.  As a result, our logo was born (Our Mascot, Picasso) …the single visionary image contrived to quickly articulate who we are, after all the previous phases of development had been executed to create who we are – - our little world of imaginative inquiry turned real.

While it may all seem logical now, upon looking back, each addition that was implemented, unexpectedly came as a result of simply considering, ”Wouldn’t it be GREAT IF…?”
…and then efforting toward making it so.

To create is one of the most incomparable satisfactions…
Should you seize the passion and commitment to create – or should they seize you – may you joy in stretching yourself and your imagination, your skill sets, your knowledge, your abilities and capabilities, your aversion to fear and to getting it right, simply in exchange for the experience of producing  something that before you did not exist in more than idea form, and did not exist at all in being.

How might you go about crafting your own personal masterpiece??


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