Starting This Start-Up

Quoteagious: Starting This Start-Up: Another Day Forward: Page 1: Morning Feet

…toward making a difference

For me, Quoteagious started out, and has always remained,
the opportunity to make a difference.

When I could not bear to start another frustrating, unrewarding day… when the covers were as heavy as my heart… when I should have been pursuing “something else”, ANYTHING else…

What compelled me to put my feet on the ground…
and give it a go for another day – -
was my commitment to making a difference
…and my commitment to those of you I have the opportunity to impact.

For it is you who have infinitely counted and profoundly mattered to me as the incentive and motivation to push myself …another day forward

When beyond further count have been the tears, fears, and doubts… unnerving struggles, unfathomable obstacles, and formidable challenges …followed by more struggles …followed by more fears and tears…

The light which has been my guide in the darker than darkness is my certainty that I have matter that matters – even if to only a few, a population as relevant as any other mass …or few  – - and I have accepted the responsibility to see this opportunity of insight through to fruition, delivering it to those of you for whom it matters.



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