Starting This Start-Up

Quoteagious: Starting This Start-Up: Beginning This Journey: Page 3: Hopping Feet
In looking back upon where I started with this journey,
and the tools I came with… and those I lacked…
While it was my sense of direction, and guts that supported my first steps toward pursuing this endeavor…
…it now is clear that it was my willful tenacity and willing flexibility that allowed me to keep pushing forward – taking additional steps which resulted in this journey.
In truth, I have indeed changed the initial plan some — but I have continued.  Although I have steered direction from my original destination, and it has taken me a lot longer on this meandering route to arrive, I am “now here”.  :)

While I realize that I am not as far down my original road as planned, where I am is better. And I am better for it – simultaneously with credit to and despite this painstakingly long and painfully arduous journey.

I recognize that I have developed in my approach to business, ideas and implementation.  And Quoteagious has also developed as a business model — it is more scalable, streamlined, accessible, simple and positioned for much greater success with reduced headaches than I could have imagined at the beginning …simply because my imagination was limited to the collection of my previous experiences and therefore what I knew.

But even with the advantage of my strong imagination, I never could have realized these lessons by staying in my head.  I had to get in the pool and splash around.  I had to fall in the puddle and get dirty.
I had to step forward onto the path.  And then step again.

I had to take chances, make mistakes, and be open to seeing the valuable lessons inside each short-coming, each disappointment, each failed attempt.  And I had to have the  passion and commitment to get back up …adjust …and apply what I had learned.

For when you realize, failure is only information helping you to understand what doesn’t work, so that you can then decipher what does work, it makes the adventure less ominous and less intimidating…
…and perhaps more like a game of next steps.  :)

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