Starting This Start-Up

Quoteagious: Starting This Start-Up: Buckle Up! Weeeeeeeeeee... Page 2: Hands

So why do entrepreneurs willingly subject themselves
to the turbulence?

Why do people wait in lines to ride rollercoasters?

The reasons why entrepreneurs indulge in such gut-wrenching activity vary…
For some it’s the $$ potential; for others, it’s the challenge – like conquering a mountain; for some others it’s the opportunity to work for themselves; for still others it’s the opportunity to offer employment opportunities to their family or their community; while for many it’s the opportunity to make their play also their primary work.

For me…
it has been about creating something  of value to others, making a difference, using all my strengths in combination for good, with hopeful intention of generating a means which allows me to endeavor these passions with financial freedom.

…And for all of us there’s something about surviving the ride.
For those of us crazy enough to have elected to experience this phenomenon once before, and yet choose to step up and  buckle ourselves into the seat again… …after that equivalent of spitting into the oncoming wind… …we’re back to throwing our hands over our heads and screaming “Weeeeeeee!” at the next turn.


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