Quoteagious: Meet Our Founder: CEO Michelle Melanson
Quoteagious Founder & CEO
Michelle Melanson
“Where we go in life
is a result of
the steps we take.”
–Michelle Melanson
Quoteagious Founder & CEO
Quoteagious: Meet The Founder: Leader

Visionary, philanthropist, Good Samaritan and self-proclaimed Imagineer, Quoteagious Founder & CEO Michelle Melanson,
primarily sees herself as simply The Girl Next Door – - with a good idea.

Creative, perhaps quirky, but not without charm, Michelle is as bright and inspiring as the compelling content she offers via her promising start-up, as they emerge together to gain the public’s interest and attention, while curiously turning a few heads.

While some might suggest that this modern-day alchemist is perhaps private… the vivid charisma, overt joy, and genuine interest in people and life she exudes are not easily overlooked upon meeting her.  Warm and engaging, this girl with the kinetic smile is at ease in her skin, and although she wears the title of CEO, she does not seem to feel the need to dress it up nor conceal that she is a casual T-shirt and jeans girl, only further supporting her Girl Next Door appeal.

A Western New York native who resides in the suburbs of Buffalo, NY, where Quoteagious operates, Michelle considers herself a down-to-Earth one-woman-army.  Armed with imagination and passion, some naivety paired with initiative, and an abundance of tenacity balanced with flexibility, (The Elements Which Supported Michelle Melanson in Her Success) Michelle believes it is this combination which has aided her in the launch of her fun and positively empowering company, Quoteagiousan enterprise which creates products that put a contemporary spin on the classic quotation (qPics) and programs that invite the world to engage and play together, including The Greatest Game of Tag! You’re IT!  (Quoteagious’ Ambassador Program).

This seemingly overnight sensation acknowledges that her success ultimately has come via a slow-but-sure, committed-but-inexperienced approach which has delivered the results of her labors anything but fast or easy.  Yet to her credit, it has arrived – - albeit not fast nor easy, but perhaps, like its Founder, the best way it knew how

So just how did this Girl Next Door become The Next Up-and-Coming Entrepreneur?

Suggesting that a company CEO was not her original career choice, Michelle confides that her passion to bring Quoteagious into being defaulted her into the position without pause.  While her background and university education in psychology certainly seem relevant to the applied science that signatures Quoteagious content as distinctly different from anything else on the market, Michelle suggests that her entrepreneurial success followed “a less linear path” (The Less Linear Career Path of THIS Entrepreneur), a pilgrimage-turned-success-story inspiring hope to other transitional entrepreneurs today (literally!).

“…it’s up to us
to step through
the doorway
that opens before us.
Looking at the open door
doesn’t get you anywhere
beyond where you
–Michelle Melanson
Quoteagious Founder & CEO

‘Steadfast but flexible’ was the approach Michelle took to make her way through the maze of unmet expectations, dreams, and desires - – step-by-step, occasionally taking temporary pause in discouragement, but never taking up permanent rest there.

Yet while the unexpected changes in course, countless disappointments, and superfluous dead ends were indeed essential contributors which helped to carve out the elaborate labyrinth of this itinerant traveler, most relevant to her efficacious experience and what truly defined her journey were her responses to those challenges and conditions - – thereby collectively and subjectively shaping her sinuous journey into a successful one.

“We’ve heard the maxim often attributed to Helen Keller, ‘When one door closes, another opens’,” suggests this axiom aficionado.  “…But it’s up to us to step through the doorway that opens before us.  Looking at the open door doesn’t get you anywhere beyond where you stand.”

“And, “she adds,” sometimes just beyond that next threshold is where you’ll find your idea, an unexpected possibility, or perhaps an even better journey which awaits.”


Looking to fulfill her personal sense of purpose, to make good and do good with the gifts, talents, and skills she was certain she had to offer, Michelle instinctively believed that the unique combination of these assets imparted unto her seemed somehow meant to benefit more than just her alone.

Committed to this belief and despite finding roadblocks in response to every turn, it was in her resourceful and relentless response to these challenges which provided Michelle not just the strength to go beyond the frustration but also the source of motivation which resulted in what Quoteagious essentially is today.  This insightful opportunity could have easily played out many a different way had this determined idealist not risen to the occasion during struggle, not remained open to discovering her own solution despite and inside the discouragement, and not additionally remained open to the bigger answers and purpose she was fundamentally seekingHad she gotten wrapped up in the discouragement of one particular disappointment or another, she would have missed the greater opportunity to move forward as well as to discover and embark upon her greater destiny.

The start-up Founder offers, “As The Story of Quoteagious reveals, the concept for this company was the result of a solution to a problem that I solved for myself that was actually the solution to a larger problem I was struggling with at the time.

Every step I have taken
has offered
opportunity to test
my resolve, creativity, and
–Michelle Melanson
Quoteagious Founder & CEO

She shares, “I certainly struggledbut I didn’t give up.

I kept actively seeking improvement and solutions, and adapting as I ‘failed’ - – responding to what I learned didn’t work.

“It took me a long time to realize that ‘there is no failure, only feedback’ – - a powerful observation of Robert G. Allen, and a motto that has comforted and encouraged me through plenty of ‘feedback’.

Every step I have taken has offered opportunity to test my resolve, creativity, and resource - – what other folks refer to assanity,” she offers with a sagacious smile.

“They don’t call these kinds of challenges ‘hardships’ without sound reason, and I’ve been through plenty with the start-up of this company.  And likely there will continue to be more that will reveal themselves as I push up against my previous experiences, limitations, and comfort zones.  And as I ‘fail’, I will continue to learn beyond my current limitations allowing me to falter in new and unexpected ways.”

“And it is in those ‘failures’,” Michelle reminds us,” new doorways to solutions, ideas, and possibilities are revealed.”


For this determined seeker, while it was the destination which led to the journey, it was INSIDE the journey that the destination was revealed.  As a result of her own personal quest to seize and realize her purpose and her potential, Quoteagious Founder Michelle Melanson realized she had the tools, power, vision and conviction to create opportunity out of misfortune, not just for herself but for countless others too, supporting generations to achieve their own purpose and potential, with the aid of Quoteagious’ navigational breadcrumbs of insight and collective compass of classics to help point the way.

“…those initiatives that
take everything
that you have,
also give you back
something you didn’t
previously have —
greater potential.
–Michelle Melanson
Quoteagious Founder & CEO

Michelle offers, “You can and will make your own destiny …whether you go somewhere or nowhere. No doubt that the Universe might indeed have its influence - – challenging you and sometimes pushing up against you to see what you push back with,  just what you’ve got inside you, or to force you to reach in when you are sure you’ve got nothing left and yet still come back with more.

“But those circumstances, conditions, events, and challenges that cause you to stretch yourself to achieve, work hard to earn, and sometimes battle a little more than perhaps otherwise expected to succeedthose initiatives that take everything that you have, also give you back something you didn’t previously have – - greater potential.”

This committed entrepreneur admits that having the vision was not enough, doing good was not enough, and being highly creative was still not enough, despite their importance and relevance in her endeavor.  At the end of the day it was weathering and responding to the challenges, and at the beginning of the next day it was deciding to go back at it and give it another shot with everything she had, that allowed this determined believer to bring the value she offered forward and into being.

Quoteagious Founder and CEO, Michelle Melanson, is confident that her success today as The Girl Next Door – with a good idea turned The Next Up-and-Coming Entrepreneur is the result of being open to possibility despite discouragement and simply seeing opportunity through.  She reminds us,” “Where we go in life is a result of the steps we take …especially those we take in response to the disappointing detours we encounter and the doors that get shut in our face.”


Michelle offers,” Some people call it ‘courage’, some call it the ‘absence of fear’.  Still others refer to it as ‘the ability to act in spite of fear’.  Personally, I prefer Ambrose Redmoon’s approach which states, ‘Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something is more important than fear.’”

“Whatever your take,” she adds,” as John Irving so compellingly puts it, ‘If you are lucky enough to find a way of life that you love – - you have to find the courage to live it.’”


Join this likable sensation in her celebration of life, as she releases the wit, wisdom and whimsy that offers navigation, insight, and reflection toward effectively and successfully living to full potential …while also enjoying the ride!  Quoteagious is focused on creating Content for Your Life…

And in special response to her committed journey and in honor of those still seeking their own personal way, Michelle has created “You Too Can Be Great  —
a premiere compilation and comprehensive collection of some of the very best advice, guidance, warnings, and appreciation for navigating life successfully and effectively. Paired with vibrant storytelling photography, Michelle has created a signature brand of compelling messagery that is right on time for those of us looking for Life’s 101 handbook.  And for those wanting even more, under the vision of its Founder, Quoteagious offers a growing library of unique 30 day guides, allowing customers to select the personal topics most essential and valuable to them. 

Need a little more support to get you through a discouragement, or motivation to inspire you to forge ahead to achieve a way of life you love?  Be sure to check out Don’t Quit, a Theme so significant to Founder Michelle Melanson that she has instituted it as a Quoteagious Triple Play – - a three-pack of content, with support, encouragement, and motivation to inspire you daily, with up to 3 months of new messages.

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Learn more
about this less-than-ordinary Girl Next Door and her contagious charm.

Learn more about our Founder, Michelle Melanson

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